Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1 - London 1969


An official expansion pack for Grand Theft Auto, titled Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1 - London 1969, was just released. This game gives the player the opportunity to explore the city of London, as opposed to the fictional versions of New York, Miami, and Los Angeles that were available in the first game. All of the game's new content, including its thirty new vehicles, its updated graphics, and its thirty-two new objectives, has a decidedly British flavor. The new metropolis has many of the well-known sites that could be found in London during the late 1960s, in addition to various cultural references and Cockney slang. The gameplay has remained almost unchanged from the original game, with the exception of the player having more control over the appearance of their avatar. The player still has to take part in a range of illicit endeavors and is still a member of an organized crime syndicate.

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