Bomberman Wars
"Bomberman Wars" for PlayStation, released in 1998, is a fascinating departure from the classic Bomberman series. Instead of the traditional action-packed bomb trap pulling, "Bomberman Wars" takes us into the world of strategic turn-based combat, a bold experiment with a franchise that has long won legions of loyal fans.
The game sets the iconic white bomber and his comrades in a fantasy world filled with crusades, using bombs as their main weapon in a chessboard-like battlefield. The cornerstone of the gameplay here is the strategic deployment and use of units, a nice change from the hectic pace of previous titles in the series. Players have to carefully plan every move, mulling over movement, bomb placement and attacks on enemies, which brings a whole new way of thinking and analysis.
The audiovisual treatment of "Bomberman Wars" is completely in line with the standards of PlayStation games at the time. The graphics, though nostalgically pixelated, offer beautifully rendered characters and worlds that feel fresh and vibrant. The design is colourful and playful, something that fans of the series have always come to expect and appreciate. The soundtrack, however, can feel a bit monotonous after extended play sessions, which is perhaps the only significant negative in the overall audiovisual impression.
As for the storyline, the game follows a divisive theme and offers no deep story twists, but this is in keeping with the series' focus on fun and accessible gameplay. The dialogue is simple and often contains subtle humour, which adds another layer to the overall charm of the game.
One of the main draws is undoubtedly the multiplayer mode, which allows players to measure their strategic skills against friends. This competitive component is well thought out and offers endless replayability, extending the life of the title on your gaming device.
While "Bomberman Wars" is not without its flaws, and some fans may miss the pure, fast-paced adrenaline-pumping gameplay of the original games, it offers a unique experience that demonstrates the series' ability to innovate and try new things. The 1998 game may not have changed the world, but either way it deserves praise for daring to bring something new to the world of Bomberman. Even today, more than two decades after its release, "Bomberman Wars" still holds a place in the hearts of gamers who appreciate strategy and tactics in the heat of the bombast.