Bad Street Brawler
Bad Street Brawler is a game that hit the market in 1989 for the NES console and is very likely to remain in the memory of those who played it, though perhaps not for the best reasons. The development studio Beam Software, better known for other titles, attempted to take a proper bite out of the beat 'em up games genre with this venture, but the result is contradictory to say the least.
The game's story is simple and portrays the protagonist, brawler Duke Davis, who sets out to clean the streets of all the crime he encounters. It sounds like a classic theme for early beat 'em up games, but what sets Bad Street Brawler apart from other games of the time is its bizarre gameplay and equally bizarre enemy design. The game's graphics are passable by NES standards. The characters are recognisable, although the animation of their movements often looks clumsy and awkward. As for the game environment itself, it lacks variety and innovation, resulting in a sense of monotony that sets in very quickly. Bad Street Brawler's gameplay is one of the game's main problems. The controls are unintuitive and feel clunky, which is absolutely fatal for a game of this genre. Furthermore, the combinations of attacks and moves available to the player are often strangely ineffective and almost comical. The mere fact that your hero can kick dogs, for example, is in poor taste and raises questions about design decisions. The individual levels are simple and repetitive, which is especially apparent when fighting enemies. These are universally boring and don't exactly brim with the smartest AI, leading the player to feel frustrated after a while that the game doesn't offer enough challenge or fun.The game's soundtrack does contain a few catchy and easy to remember tunes, but the overall sound design is below average. The punch effects and other soundtracks are monotonous and, after a while, more distracting than stimulating.
In short, Bad Street Brawler is a game that does not deny its age or the limits with which it was created. Despite a few bright moments and the effort the developers have clearly put into it, the title remains mediocre to below average. It may be worth a single playthrough for nostalgics or true retro gaming fans, but for most gamers of today it will not deliver a worthwhile enough gaming experience.