Thief: The Dark Project


After being found begging on the streets, Garrett is picked up by a shadowy group known as the Keepers, who raise him as one of their own and educate him. However, Garrett's objectives for his education are distinct from those of his masters, and as a result, Garrett and his trainers soon part ways. In order to achieve his goal of being a great thief, Garrett needs to get into forbidden locations and steal the valuables of wealthy and powerful people. This line of employment is bound to be offensive to a large number of people, including wealthy aristocrats, members of the town guard, and members of the religious order known as the Hammerites. If Garrett is able to maintain his composure while stripping these forces of the priceless baubles they possess, he should be able to do fairly well in this endeavor....

First-person stealth action game played from the first-person perspective, Thief: The Dark Project. It takes place in a city known as "the City," which is part of a medieval fantasy world that also contains some aspects of the technological era known as the industrial revolution. The primary focus of Garrett's abilities is concealment, both in terms of his ability to remain unseen (as measured by a "light gem") and in terms of his capacity to remain unheard (different surfaces make different noises). Both of these things can alert the guards, thus it is critical that you always remain hidden. It is not encouraged to engage in combat with opponents who are armed; nonetheless, certain foes (most notably the varied undead) can be taken on directly or ignored altogether. It is also conceivable to sneak up on guards stealthily, render them helpless with a blackjack, take their keys, and relocate their bodies.

Lockpicks, a blackjack, a sword, flash bombs, holy water, explosive mines, and a bow that fires regular arrows in addition to water, fire, moss, rope, and noisemaker arrows are among the several pieces of equipment that Garrett has at his disposal. There are many different kinds of arrows, each of which can be used for a specific mission: water can put out flames, moss can cover the ground to muffle the sounds of footsteps, ropes can be used to climb in certain places or traverse chasms, and so on.

The game's stages are rather open, and the majority of the time you can choose from a number of different routes and approaches to complete the objective. There are several things that can be destroyed, transported to different locations, or interacted with in some way. The game features three different difficulty levels, each of which is separated from the other by the number of objectives that must be accomplished. When playing on a difficulty level lower than normal, the player may be able to bypass some of the more challenging regions because there is no mission objective bringing them there. On more difficult settings, extra conditions, such as finding a means to complete a stage without causing any damage to yourself, may be imposed. The stolen goods that Garrett was able to acquire through his thievery might be used to buy supplementary supplies for the upcoming assignment.

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