Captain Commando
In the year 2026, Metro City. Scumocide is the name of a nefarious mutant organisation that is hatching a plot to take control of the universe. To assist him in thwarting Scumocide's schemes, the hero Captain Commando recruits three renegades to form an alliance with him: Ginzu the Ninja, Baby Head, and Mack the Knife. This mission will not be simple because so many of Earh's establishments are infested with Scumocides' minions, but the team's tenacity and strength will carry them through to the end of the crusade.
The player gets to choose one of these four characters, and they have to fight their way through an army of genetically engineered super-criminals as they make their way through a series of locations, including the bank, museum, circus, aquarium, and several other places, all the way up to a planet called "Callisto," where the villain responsible for "Scumocide" is waiting for them. Each of the four characters possesses their own unique set of special moves. The power of Captain Commando's suit allows him to shoot electricity through his palms when he uses it. Baby Head travels through the world wearing a mech suit, which allows him to deal more damage. Mack is skilled with short knives. Before moving on to the next location, it is necessary for the character to emerge victorious over the location's final boss.